About Us

We are coming up with industry changes that will “Rock” Malaysian market. Come on a ride with us for a better fresh experience.


Property listing unlike any other in current market. Quality focused listings made for buyers, realtors & investors from industry realtors & investor themselves.

Business Advertising

The glory days of billboards & thick yellow books have past. Step into the new age of advertising & marketing with new digital tools but with tried & tested strategy. Advertising & marketing has never been more economical & effective.

Investors Community

Learn to be an investor or update your knowledge by actually getting in the middle of the action, not from sitting in some training hall. Be part of a community where information integrity matters. Get insights on investment markets & tools for investor.

What Is Tinkoi?

Literally Tinkoi means “new street”. In Tinkoi we embrace the concept of approaching a problem or issue from a different perspective to come up with better & more importantly a more practical solutions.

What Is Our Community About?

If business, investment, economy, commerce and the kind is your cup of tea… or coffee. This should fit your group of interest. We will discuss, work and collaborate on anything commerce related. We are always looking for new ways to improve Malaysian markets and will be happy to look into your industry.

What are we working on now?

At the moment we have identified a few areas which we can improve in the Malaysian market. These are obviously areas with issues that have been long overdue for a solution. To break it down, they are;

Real Estate & Property Search "Tinkoi Experience"​

Malaysian real estate industry has been pretty much in a stone age standard. Which led us to the recent proactive re-education effort by MIEA (Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents) to both the consumer & estate agencies. Although the standards are in place the implementations & change are not as encouraging. This is mainly due to some guidelines which are not gaining popularity both among consumers & agents either because of monetary interests or lack of attraction.
The vision of “Tinkoi experience standards” in real estate & property market is to come up with healthy real estate industry practice which provide consumer with security & pleasant hassle free experience which at the same time reward realtor / real estate agency with best practice to flourish.

Advertising & Marketing Solution

How often have you come across those eye-sore banners, stick-up flyers or even legal advertising signboards in all the wrong places. Even digital marketing which was not meant to be obtrusive is now a playing field for the unethical marketer. If you are tired of those spam marketing WhatsApp messages or emails beeping. Or if you don’t want to see more of those unpleasant sights of flyers around your neighborhood.

Rest be assured that you as the buyers play the biggest role to end this. As they say “When the buying stop so will the spamming…. or pasting”. Why else would they stop if there is a demand for them right?

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